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seat suspension assembly是什么意思



1)seat suspension assembly,座位悬挂[浮]组件2)seat suspension group,座位悬挂[浮]组件3)seats,座位4)seat,座位5)seating area,座位场地;座位区6)effect increasing loci,增效座位7)Seat Interference,座位干扰8)block space,锁定座位9)boundary displacements,支座位移10)support displacement,支座位移


    Scientific arrangement of seats in class management does good to strengthen teaching management and optimize the quality of students.


    Positive loci,effect increasing loci,effect decreasing loci and non environmental loci were selected from the 931 marker loci surveyed in the 15 parental lines and their correlation with yield and yield components were analyzed.

    利用AFLP、RAPD、SSR技术分析了 10个恢复系和 5个不育系的 931个基因座 ,利用 15个亲本配制了 5 0个杂交组合 ,在泸州和重庆 2个环境下同时种植 ,考察了产量及其构成因素 ,从 931个基因座中筛选出了与之相关的阳性座位、增效座位、减效座位、非环境型座位 ,并分析了它们与杂种产量及其构成因素间的关系。

    General solution method of rectangular plate bending with two opposite ends supported under boundary displacements;


    Using the united method in this paper,bending solution of rectangular plates with various supported conditions is solved when the plate is subjected to boundary displacements.


    Combined with the construction of the Magong Bridge in Changzhou City, the prestress technique by means of the support displacement method to avoid cracks in floor deck concrete caused by tensile stress is studied.

    本文 结合常州市马公桥工程的建设,对采用支座位移法来施加预应力,避免桥面混凝土开裂的技术进行了研究。

    The influence of support displacement on the load\|carrying capacity of arched corrugated metal roof(ACMR) is evaluated through global stability analysis of this kind of roof structure working together with its supporting structure.

    通过对不同矢跨比的金属拱型波纹屋盖结构连同其下部支承结构进行自重类荷载作用下的稳定承载力分析 ,明确了支座位移对这种屋盖结构承载力的影响 ,并为确立这种结构的简化设计计算模型提供了依据。