We find that: (a) the and can provide one to three orders enhancements to thebranching ratios of the rare K-decays under study; (b) the assumed mass ranges ofthe unit-charged PGBs in the Multiscale Walking Technicolor Model are excluded bythe rare K-decay data.
Within the parameter space, we find that: (a) the P± and P8± can providerather large enhancements to the branching ratios of the rare B-decays in question, themaximum increase is about a factor of 3 to Br(B→Xs,d,vv), and a factor of 5 to Br (Bs,d→1+1-); (b) the color-octet pesudo-Goldstone boson P±8 dominates the contributions toall rare B-decays und.
The effect of high quality short branch proportion on the output and quality of "Red Fuji" apple;
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