In the second chapter,we will study the existence and uniqueness of the global generalized solution and the global classical solution to the initial boundary value problem for a class of linear evolutionary equation.
By using Galerkin method and compactness argument, the existence and uniqueness of the generalized global solution and the classical global solution of the problem are obtained.
首先讨论方程utt - uxx - M(∫+ l- lu2x dx)uttxx = f(x,t) 的初边值问题,用Galerkin 方法和紧性方法得到了其整体广义解和整体古典解的存在惟一性;然后用构造初边值问题序列并取极限的方法证明了方程utt - uxx - M(∫+ ∞- ∞u2x dx)uttx x = f(x,t) 的Cauchy 问题整体广义解和整体古典解的存在惟一性。
In the third chapter, we will study the existence and uniqueness of the classical global solution and generalized global solution to the periodic boundary value problem and the Cauchy problem for this kind of equation.
本文分三章,第一章为引言;第二章研究一类非线性高阶波动方程的初边值问题的整体古典解的存在性和唯一性,以及古典解的爆破;第三章研究此方程的周期边界问题和Cauchy问题的整体广义解和整体古典解的存在性和唯一性,具体情况如下: 在第二章中,我们研究一类非线性高阶波动方程的如下初边值问题:或或其中a_1,a_2,a_3 >0为常数,φ(s),∫(s_0,s_1,s_2,s_3,s_4,)为已知的非线性函数,u_0(x),U_1,(x)为已知的初始函数,为此,我们先用四阶常微分方程边值问题的Green函数把上述问题转化为等价的积分方程,然后利用压缩映射原理证明此积分方程局部古典解的存在性和唯一性,又用解的延拓法证明上述问题整体古典解的存在性和唯一性,主要结果有: 定理1 设u_0(x),u_1(x)∈C~4[0,1]且满足边界条件(2),若以下条件满足:其中A,B月>0为常数, W。
A unified theory of generalized classical mechanics and nonholonomic mechanics,or the theory of generalized nonholonomic mechanics,and its basic theoretical frame are constructed.
建立广义经典力学与非完整力学的统一理论———广义非完整力学理论 ,构造其基本框架 。
Based on the analysis of non stationary vector time series whose components are integrated of higher orders,the paper presents the definition of generalized cointegration.
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