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floating sludge pump是什么意思



1)floating sludge pump,悬浮污泥泵2)suspension,悬浮3)suspending,悬浮4)suspended,悬浮5)levitation,悬浮6)Suspension copolymerization,悬浮共聚


    Mechanism of Cylindrical Profiled Materials' Suspension in the Horizontal Transportation Pipe;


    Experimental Study on the Suspension of Floating Solids in an Agitated Tank;


    Preliminary Test on the Suspension and Thickening of Citrus Nectar;


    Research on Numerical Simulation of Suspending Boundary Plane in Airstream Distribution;


    Theoretic Analysis and Experimental Investigation on Production of Drip and Drip Suspending Freezing;


    The experiment not only shows that the particles whose length,width and height are about 3-5mm,can be hardened below 10℃ by freezing or filling with CO2,but also concludes that artificial temperature difference can make the surface layer of the particles form quickly a coat of suspending and thickening agent which increa.


    Research on the Synthesis of Nanodiamond by Laser Irradiation on Graphite Particles Suspended in Water;


    By using electrodynamics method,research has been into shape change and volume change of particles suspended in ER fluids by electric field and relative rate of change for the volume and shape is calculated,electrodilatancy effect is explained.

    运用电动力学方法 ,研究了电流变液中悬浮颗粒在外电场作用下其体积和形状的变化 ,并计算了其体积和形状的相对变化率 ,解释了电涨效应 。

    Double Loop Active-Disturbance-Rejection-Controller for Levitation System of Maglev Train;


    An air-gap-flux-oriented controller applied to realize decoupling control of magnetic torque and levitation force in the strong coupled complicated nonlinear control system of bearingless induction motors is presented.

    针对无轴承异步电机复杂的多变量强耦合非线性系统 ,提出了利用电枢绕组气隙磁场定向原理 ,对电磁转矩和悬浮力进行解耦控制。

    In the paper, the principle of levitation force and the decoupling control of torque and radial force are shown.

    对无轴承异步电机中悬浮力产生原理 ,以及如何实现电枢转矩和悬浮力解耦控制的工作原理做了简要介绍 ,并提出了以功能强大的高速数字信号处理器 (TMS3 2 0F2 40 )为控制核心的数模混合控制电路。

    Study on manufacture of vinylidene chloride and methyl acrylate copolymer resin by suspension copolymerization;


    Studies of the Particle Characteristics of Vinylidene Chloride -co-Methyl Acrylate Resin by Suspension Copolymerization;


    The vinylidene chloride (VCD)/vinyl chloride (VC) copolymer resin was prepared via suspension copolymerization process in this paper.

    采用悬浮共聚的方法研制了偏氯乙烯 /氯乙烯( VDC/VC)共聚树脂。