Installation of the heat accumulator for the converter waste heat system;
The Choice for Accumulator on Hydraulic System of Electro-Hydraulic Hammer;
Parameter Design on the Accumulator for YST25 Hydraulic Rock Drill;
A test system model of safety valve with mass flow applying energy storage as power was built in this paper.
The proposed energy storage on board of a DC-Railway vehicle leads to a big step in the reduction of consumed energy, whiledrastically reducing the peak power demand at the same time.
In addition, the power of hydraulic pumps and the volume of energy storages are also calculated.
此外 ,还计算了液压泵功率及蓄能(器)容积。
By comparing the performances and the rates of flows between typical hydraulic pressure circuits and those with energy accumulators, it can be found that the latter have an obvious effect of saving energy.
通过对典型的液压源回路与带蓄能(器)的液压源回路的性能及其流量计算的比较 ,指出带蓄能(器)的液压源回路具有明显的节能效果 ,通过对蓄能(器)有体积计算方法的分析 ,找出了提高蓄能(器)有效体积的方法并在此基础上设计出了一种新型液压源回路。
The variation of the capacity of the energy accumulator is closely related to the operating process of the pipe rammer.
蓄能(器)容积的变化与夯管锤的工作过程是紧密联系在一起的 ,由于活塞的前后运动以及在运动过程中的每一时刻所需要的油量是不同的 ,理想状态就要通过蓄能(器)的容积变化来调节 ,就是说蓄能(器)的容积变化要与夯管锤的冲击振动相耦合。
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