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required load pressure是什么意思



1)required load pressure,需要的负载压力2)required load compensation,需要的负载补偿3)pressure demand,需要的压力4)pump pressure demand,泵所需要的压力5)pressure to conform,需要适应的压力6)Load pressure,负载压力


    This paper presents a new concept of asymmetrical valve controlled asymmetrical cylinder,makes new definition of load flow and load pressure,thus illustrated static and dynamic properties of asymmetrical cylinders,derives its transfer function and block diagram,which can be universally applied to all kinds valve controlled cylinder and may be a meaningful guide to the design of such servo systems.

    提出了非对称阀控制非对称缸的概念 ,并对传统的负载流量和负载压力重新进行了定义 ,依此对非对称阀控制非对称缸的静态特性和动态特性进行了分析 ,推导了其传递函数及方框图 ,其推导过程对此类伺服系统的设计具有积极的指导意

    According to the working characteristics of the pump and valve combined EHA (Electrical Hydraulic Actuator), the method to improve the system efficiency by increasing the design value of load pressure was proposed.
