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TLZ Transfer on Less than Zero是什么意思



1)TLZ Transfer on Less than Zero,小于零转移2)JL Jump if Less,小于则转移〖指令〗3)JZ Jump if Zero,等于零则转移〖指令〗4)JLE Jump if Less than or Equal,小于或等于则转移〖指令〗5)JNB Jump if Not Below,不小于则转移〖指令〗6)zero transition,零转移


    In this paper, we study some problems relative to the station two state transition in a logical ring randomly operating system with priority queues and limited capacity such as: the discussion on the transition rules; the judge of the zero transition and the non zero transition; and the derivation of the numerical function.

    本文对于容量有限和具有优先队列的逻辑环随机运作系统 ,研究其站点双态转移的有关问题 ;转移规律的探讨 ;零转移和非零转移的判断及其数目函数的推导 ;文中还提出若干相关的新概念。