A kind of voice prompting device,based on voice technology,CAN bus technology and ARM technology,is designed in this paper.
综合运用语音技术、CAN 总线技术和 ARM 技术设计完成了语音提示器,重点设计了语音电路和语音控制程序,对语音技术在车辆电子控制系统中的应用进行了研究。
This article uses speech technology and local net technology of computer to develop a power bill auto- inquiring and auto hastening system.
This paper briefly introduces speech technology, emphasizes TTS and its basic structure and discusses the practical development on the platform of Visual Basic 6.
简介语音技术,重点阐述了语音合成中的文语转换技术及基本结构,并作为实例在VisualBasic6 0可视化编程环境中应用文语转换技术,开发出一个实用的英文朗读软件。
This paper discusses the main key function Qos(Quality of Service)in voice over IP network(VOIP)and shows the voice network structure,presents an example using RSVP protocol to ensure IP voice quality in Cisco 2600 series router.
讨论了IP语音技术中的关键因素Qos ,以及Qos的实现方式、网络架构 。
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