The backup accomplishment of groups of data files in application;
In order to edit hydrological data files, a 32-bit editor under WINDOWS has been developed, In this article, the development process, skill and method of 32-bit Editor for hydrology data are presented, also problems that need to be resolved during the data analysis of automatic precipitation recorder and data format conversion are pointed out as well.
The article elaborated on the main techniques involved in the uploading of the local data files to the database of the server, as well as its realization, in J2EE environment, taking the Web browser as the essential client side.
Analizing and Transforming of COBOL s Data File;
Model the spherical valve case with characteristic parameter which is the caliber of the valve, and according to some standards determine other structure sizes and create the data file.
以阀门的口径为特征参数 ,根据标准确定阀体的其他结构尺寸 ,并建立数据文件。
The authors introduce the format of the data file and programming technique of the rigid frames,including the main program and general program of space rigid frame and node detail drawing.
分析了国内三角门 CAD技术的现状 ,开发了船闸三角门 CAD软件 ,介绍了数据文件的设计规则、空间刚架数据文件的格式 ,对空间刚架 CAD程序中的几个主要模块进行设计 ,包括其主程序、空间刚架通用绘图子程序、节点大样通用绘图程序等 ,实现了六类空间刚架结构图及节点大样的自动生
In this paper,a programming method of using DAT data document based on analysing each program interface of Visual C ++ 6.
3各自提供的程序接口的基础上 ,提出了一种通过数据文件将 Visual C+ + 和 Matlab联合在一起进行软件开发的方法 ,并通过一个实例表明该方法适合于开发一个在 Windows工作环境下运行的、具有丰富的程序接口和良好的用户界面 ,以及复杂计算能力的应用软件 ,且该软件具有高效、易扩充等特点 。
NETOMAC is a large software for simulations and computations in power system based on a uniform data document.
A Matrix Manipulation-based Method for Encrypting Message Block
The amount of virtual memory required by the code and data in the module file.
File data is striped and stored on the object-based storage devices (OSD).
Data appearing at the beginning of a block that describes the organization of the file and relationship between blocks.
Data is gathered from these source replicas and eventually combined together to a single file.
In an indexed file, the lowest level index block. It contains the relative block numbers ( RBNs ) and high keys of several data blocks.
File '%.*ls' is not a database file for database '%ls'.
文件 ''%1!'' 不是数据库 ''%3!'' 的数据库文件。
By receiving hardware in a data link;to send a short message indicating that a message or block kas been received without a detected error.
The WMI data block or event notification has already been enabled.
WMI 数据块或事件通知已启用。
The WMI data block or event notification has already been disabled.
WMI 数据块或事件通知已禁用。
interactive data- and text- processing
database file allocation problem
data file descriptor record
Utilities for Printouts or Data Transfer
Law of the Sea Conference documents data base
centralized blood donor information register
master payroll data file
Researching and Application about Storage Structure of SQL Server 2000 Database
SQL Server2000数据库文件的恢复
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