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microprogram instruction是什么意思



1)microprogram instruction,微程序指令2)microprogram instruction set,微程序指令系统3)microprogram,微程序4)micro program,微程序5)Micro-program,微程序6)nanoprogram,毫微程序


    Instruction System Extention and Microprogram Design ofModel Computer;


    In the paper,a new idea of controlling and managing complicated logic circuits by on chip microprogram is suggested, since XILINX FPGA is ROM based.


    Hardware subsystem specifications: machine word length is16 bits, 64 instructions, arithmetic unit consists of bit-slice IC chips, control unit uses microprogramming scheme and supports dynamic microprogramming.


    The structure consists of cells, each cell processes a kind of test and output Boolean value to the controller of micro program to control the branch of micro program.

    保护测试单元由多个基本构件 CELL组成 ,每个构件 CELL可进行一种测试 ,基于这种测试 ,可确立微处理器内部微程序的转移。

    In this paper, we analyse the architecture and function of micro program control unit and data path of the 8087.


    Through the analysis of Micro-program controllers’ rules, this paper defines a simple computer model’s machine language SML and the relevant instruction format system.


    This paper brings forward the method using micro-programming to realize the synchronization between microprocessor and coprocessor on instruction level, combined with the design of microprocessor NCS286/coprocessor NCS287 system.

    文中结合机载嵌入式 16位的微处理器NCS2 86 /协处理器NCS2 87系统的设计 ,提出了应用微程序实现微处理器 /协处理器在指令级的同步 。

    This paper introduces design of hardware, software of the ground test equipment of the some airplane computer based micro-program, and the method how to carry into execution.
