The necessary and sufficient conditions are presented for the stochastic comparability of the path distribution of jump processes on Rd.
On the assumption of continuous dividend of shares award,wel’l establish such a model in the way that continuous dividend rates is attached to shares option pricing in jump process and work out the formula of average relationship between the rising and falling option and European rising option pricing all through martingale theory and stochastic analysis.
This paper deals with the problem of construction of a dual q pair for the q pair with invariant measure, and prove that necessary and sufficient conditions, which invariant measures for a regular q pair is the invariant measures for its jump processes, be that its dual q pair is regular.
本文讨论了一般状态空间上具有不变测度的 q对的对偶 q对的构造问题 ,证明了正则 q对的不变测度是它的相应跳过程的不变测度的充要条件是该 q对的对偶 q对是正则
In this paper we prove that an irreducible v-recurrent jump processes with general state space has unique invariant measure.
本文利用一般状态空间马氏链关于不变测度的有关结果和跳过程的性质 ,研究了一般状态空间跳过程不变测度的存在性和唯一
The article expounds general theory of human body flip revolve with mechanical theory,presents the item of freestyle-skiing aerials"bdF"in the take-off stage.
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