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closed loop (control) system是什么意思



1)closed loop (control) system,死循环(控制)系统2)closed control system,死循环控制系统3)dead cycle,死循环4)circulation of living and death,生死循环5)closed loop,死循环6)closed-loop control,死循环控制7)close loop gain,死循环增益8)closed-loop system,死循环系统


    The methods dealing with the "dead cycle" problem in mobile robot s navigation;


    But death that The Waste Land describes is melted with life and they can t be separated, that is, man is pushed into the dual opposition on living and death, and in The Waste Land it stresses man s desire for death rather than living, at the same time, it nourishes "living instinct" so that it results in the circulation of living and death.

    但《荒原》描写的“死亡”是和生命熔铸在一起的 ,彼此无法分开的 ,即把人推向生与死的二元对立之中 ,着力表现处在生不如死的荒原中的人们对死的渴望 ,同时也孕育出“生的本能” ,从而导致生死循环 ;这种死亡更和精神联系在一起 ,其中的“死亡”多以“力比多”的饥渴来对应 ,故死亡在这里只是一种仪式性死亡或象征性死亡 ,其目的是表现生命力的回归而实现精神复活。