Experimental study on bioremediation of city river and its effects on transformation of nitrogen in sediments;
This text studies the influence of urbanization on recovery and growth of cyanobacteria in city river.
Nanjing,a typical Riverside hilly city,its urban rivers are a network of river water.
南京市为典型的滨江丘陵城市,市内河流属河网水系,河道基本为闸控河道,闸控所造成的不利水文条件(河流缓流乃至滞流)是加剧水质恶化的主要原因;城市生活污水和城市地面径流是城市内河的主要汇水水源,与此同时也是内河水质污染的主要原因;内河及湖体现状水质劣于 V 类,主要超标因子为生化需氧量、氨氮、总磷和总氮,污染特征表现为有机污染形式。
Those are the inner of the city and its innovation environment.
近些年来 ,很多国际学者把研究的焦点由有意规划发展的科技园区转向它们的隐形作用模式和它们的真正母体 ,也就是说转向研究大城市内部的创新环境。
According to the connotation of traffic transfer and systematic conditions of the harmonious transfer between railway passenger transport and urban public transit, the paper has explored its restricted principal factors and indices, advanced a method of synthetic assessment, and applied it in the research on the traffic transfer in guangzhou city.
在介绍交通衔接内涵的基础上 ,以铁路客运与市内公交协调衔接的系统条件为依据 ,寻求影响两者协调衔接的主要制约因素 ,提出具体的评价指标 ,并建立综合评价方法 ,用于广州市交通衔接研究的实
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