Hydroelastic responses of two adjacent large mat-like structures floating in waves are numerically simulated by developed modal analysis method.
Temperature field analysis of 32 m box beam during steam curing;
The study of influence of the crossbeam and corner prop on shear-lag in the thin-wall curve box beams;
Shear lag analysis of crane box beam;
The paper emphatically analyzes the influence on the truss frame welding quality of the welding groove form and the welding deformations and the welding technology,the testing and research of the technology for the type of the welding and the factor of infecting welding deformations ect.
the influence of residual stress during welding box beams of bridge crane on the bearing capacity.
The fem simulation for the effect of spread on Q345B square billets rolled by adjusting waist obliquity in box pass;
Pointing to the status of frequently changing roller, low operative ratio and low utilization of roller due to wide specification of ribbon steel, new box pass system for rough rolling was developed and the technique has been successfully used for production.
针对窄带钢品种规格多 ,换辊频繁 ,轧机作业率低 ,轧辊浪费等问题 ,研究开发了一种新型粗轧箱形孔配置方式 ,并成功运用于生产 ,其特点是在一套轧辊上设计几套孔型 ,可生产不同宽度的中间坯。
Research of hydration temperature field and temperature control in double-line railway box girder bridge;
Comments on design specifications for box girder of crane;
By comparing the results of large scale model test with that of spatial finite-element analysis,the coefficients of shear lag about the box section of Luzhou Tai an Yangtze River Bridge under several typical loads are gained.
The hydraulic loads,which should be considered in design process,are discussed,including rising force,equivalent static hydraulic load,and dynamic rising force due to difference of water header between inner and outer of box section.
讨论了箱形截面漫水桥设计中应考虑的水力荷载 ,包括浮力、等效静水力和由箱内外水头差引起的动态浮力等 。
Parameter analysis was made to study the out-plane stability bearing capacity of box section aluminium beam-columns.
Finite Element Simulation of Temperature Distribution of an Alloy Steel Billet in Box Pass during Stable Hot\|Rolling;
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