The undrained shear tests on Nanjing silt,silty clay and clay were conducted by the KTG to investigate the effect of confining pressure and water content on shear band inclination angle,and evaluate the method of Mohr-Coulomb,Roscoe and Arthur\'s calculated values.
利用全自动三轴仪进行了南京及附近地区粉土、粉质粘土、粘土的不排水剪切试验,研究剪切带倾角随围压和含水量之间的变化规律,比较Mohr Coulomb理论、Roscoe理论和Arthur理论对剪切带倾角的预估。
The methods on unconsolidated and undrained triaxial shear tests are different in the testing codes and textbooks in China,and they produce different results: the shear strength of homogeneous saturated normal consolidated soil obtained according to the testing codes is independent on the depth of soil layer,which is in disagreement with the reality obtained from field vane shear tests.
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