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radius of cut是什么意思



1)radius of cut,挖掘半径2)mining,挖掘3)exploitation,挖掘4)tap,挖掘5)excavation,挖掘6)digging,挖掘


    An efficient algorithm for current frequent sequence mining in data stream;


    Research of workflow model s structural mining method;


    A Distributed Web Log Mining System Based on Mobile Agent Technology;


    The study on exploitation and rescue of Henan s historical cultural resources;


    Research progress on germplasm resource exploitation and protection of Macrobrachium nipponense;


    The exploitation and utilization of the quintessence traditional morality is an effective measure of overcome the legal derivations and should be strengthened.


    We tap profound inertia of traditional culture for Shigu Academy in the plan of Shigu Academy Square to be in pursuit of harmony of man with nature by taking academy as pulse and taking academy s culture details as design intension.


    This articls discusses how to tap librarians latent power from the viewpoint of attaching great importance to the development of the information resources of literature,so as to protect the regular development of the library information resources of literature.

    开发文献信息资源是图书馆员个体的职责 ,本文从重视开发馆员个体的潜在能力、强调以人为本的管理目标、建立激励体制、决策者与馆员之间的磨合等四个方面 ,论述如何挖掘馆员的潜在能力 ,保证图书馆文献信息资源的正常开发。

    In mathematics problem solving teaching,teachers must ram connotation and the condition of the elementary knowledge,the theorem,defintion,nature,principle and so on,guide the student s earnest to observation,careful analysis,the thorough excavation mathemtics question condition,especially concealed condition.


    The information workers should comprehensively understand its general method of excavation, the general rule of exploring excavation and only present with policy-maker s altitude, and the combination of actual depth of excavation, can it serves the policy decision well scientifically decision-making.


    In the excavation and arrangement for these items, it must emphasize its characters of nationality, tradition and physical education and prevent to take the branch for the root.

    在对此类项目的挖掘、整理和重新编排中 ,必须强调突出其民族性、传统性和体育性 ,防止本末倒置。

    Research on Evaluation Systems of Digging and Fostering Investment Value to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Oriented Technology;


    Using "the ways of non-excavating streets to lay underground pipelines" can avoid digging streets.


    Matching with the wheeled tractor above 48kW, it is able to finish multi-operation once, such as digging, lifting, and separating.
