Experimental study on single shear strength between GFRP and clay brick;
Some improvement measures have been done in ways of material storage rate, process blow, etc, combined with reformed engineering practice of clay brick producing process and the good result has been achieved.
The result showed that the new wall material can replace ordinary clay brick and its process is feasible.
Design and construction of multi floor clay brick house equipped with slope roof are investigated Some earthquake proof problems are analyzed existing in potential earthquake region taking preventive measures The corresponding measures including earthquake resistant structure are recommende
通过调查与分析 ,指出了目前地震设防区的一些多层粘土砖房的设计与施工中设置坡屋顶存在的一些抗震问题 ,并对此提出了相应的抗震构造措施 ,可供参考。
Through testing the dryness and shrinkage of the common concrete brick under various environments,the mechanism of the shrinkage of concrete bricks,the effect of autogenous shrinkage on the shrinkage of concrete brick and the characteristic of partly inreversible shrinkage was analyzed.
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