For this reason in the calculation of concrete mixing strength, the value of σ should be determined based on different design grade of concrete, in this way, not only the design requirement could be satisfied, but .
通过小浪底工程高强混凝土施工实践和统计分析 ,验证了当混凝土配制强度fcr大于 30MPa时 ,混凝土强度标准差σ随fcr增大而递增仍然比较明显 ,因此不可视σ为常数 ,在进行配制强度计算时 ,应按不同混凝土设计标号采用不同的σ值 ,这样既可保证满足设计要求 ,又能取得较好的经济效益 。
But bad construction control results in some low concrete grade of foundation piles and some broken piles.
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