Investigation and analysis on the status of informed consent to medical consultation and hospitalization in patients with major depression;
Study on the informed consent system of emergency case;
A Study of Strategy Use in Showing Agreement and Disagreement to Others Opinions;
Showing agreement and disagreement to others opinions is an important speech act.
Insured Approval and the Effect of the Insurance Contract;
Both parties the party concerned approval is a sill that solves to invest the international center(the IC SID)of point of dispute to acquire the jurisdiction,in bilateral investment treaty(the BIT)the provision will invest the controversy to hand over the IC SID to arbitrate or intermediation of form have become basic form that the ICSID acquires the jurisdiction in recent years.
Dai Zhen s attitude towords old argument in Mao Shi Bu Zhuan primarily falls into three categary which were approval , correction and leaving the question open.
"Same Original Intention"is one of the explaining terms in Shuo Wen Jie Zi by Xushen Han Dynasty.
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