Statutory chart is the legal expression of "control plan", the basic rules of planning management.
The Pattern Book:A Tool for American Neighborhoods Building;
Working chart is not statute, but as a supplement and specification of statutory chart, it provides specific technical support for planning management.
The practice and development of the statutory plan of China;
But there are problems in determining the density indexesin statutory plan and regulatory detailed plan, which directly leads to out-of-control of city density and impair the authoritativeness and fairness of plan.
但目前法定图则和控制性详 细规划在确定密度指标时都存在技术依据性不足 的问题,造成规划编制和审批随意性较大,既导 致城市开发密度失控和建设质量下降,也损害了 规划的权威性和公平性。
The establishment and fulfillment of the statutory plan system is the principal task to promote the democracy and legislation in urban planning in Shenzhen SEZ.
作为深圳市五阶段规划体系的核心环节 ,法定图则制度的建立与完善是深圳市推进城市规划民主化和法制化建设的一项中心任务。
The practice of statutory map system in Shenzhen is an important reform to promote democracy and legislation in urban planning.
深圳实施法定图则制度 ,是推进城市规划民主化与法制化的一项重要改革 ,在取得显著成效的同时 ,也遭遇到许多困难和问题。
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