In The Catcher in the Rye, the absence of the two characters-Holden s brother Allie and his childhood girlfriend Jane is but a revelation of the lack of ideal, spirituality, purity, and "listener" , all of which as a whole constitutes Holden s great agony of the impossible persistence of ideal and the existential crisis as an individual.
而霍尔顿为了走出困境、找寻缺失的东西、确立自身的存在所进行的纽约之行最终彻底失败 ,这不仅是霍尔顿个人的悲剧 ,也是整个社会的悲
The Qiangtang Basin may be considered as a large brush structural system whose southeast part,especially,Dogai Coring-Chibzhang Co region is a strategic target for searching for oil and gas.
However, it seems that the relation between educational loan and educational outcomes (human capital accumulation and job searching) has been ignored by most researchers, so has the private lending, which commonly exists in developing countries.
Then three special hydrogeological environments will appear accordingly,which present an effective way of searching for underground water.
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