Change of per capita grain and per capita cultivated land in Shaanxi province;
Based on the sense analyzing the situation of grain supply and the trends of cultivated land resources, they are indicated that the increase of per capita grain has slowing-down and the decrease of per capita cultivated land has been speeding within last decade years in Shaanxi Province.
Change of per capita grain and per capita cultivated land in Shaanxi province;
On the alertness thread of per capita, cultivated land and cultivated land safety in Shaanxi Province;
The Minimum Area Per Capita of Cultivated Land and Its Implication for the Optimization of Land Resource Allocation;
Effect of per capita arable land resource on intensive management of agriculture;
Although cultivated land in the United States makes up for only 20 percent of its territory, still its per-capita average is nine times that of China.
The correlation of rural urbanization and farmland areas per person in Hubei Province;
As for the per-capita area of cultivated land, it had dropped to 1.3 mu, representing only 25 percent of the world average.
As we know, the fundamental restricting of China agriculture development is that too many people with few land, which resulting in low level of cultivated lands per capita.
Analysis on Necessity of Abolishing Upper Limit of Compensation of Land Expropriation--Based on the Perspective of Per-person Cultivated Land Area
Rich peasants cultivate the most land per person on an average in the countryside. They manage their land by ways of self-tillage,hiring farmhands or land rent.
On Farmland Protection and Balanced Development of Dynamic Balance of Farmland;
Many people, little arable land, comparatively inadequate per-capita share of natural resources plus a relatively backward economy and culture -- these features spell out China's basic national conditions.
Second, we have a large population but not enough arable land.
The resettlement fees for each agricultural person to be resettled shall be 4-6 times the average annual output value of the three years preceding the requisition of the cultivated land.
The land compensation fees shall be 6-10 times the average output value of the three years preceding the requisition of the cultivated land.
However,because of the unequal possession of cultivated lands,the large amount of the agricultural surplus was owned by the feudal landlords.
Within each gens the arable and meadow land was distributed by lot in equal portions among the individual households.
Surveyors are measuring the size of the cultivated land.
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