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explanatory plan/ drawing是什么意思



1)explanatory plan/ drawing,说明图则/绘图2)explanatory plan/drawing,说明图则/绘图3)illustration,说明4)explanation,说明5)statement,说明6)explain,说明7)comment,说明8)descriptive note,说明9)elucidate,说明10)declaration,说明


    The article gives a brief analysis on the importance of paper industry and the necessity of laying down the Paper Industry Development Policy with an emphasis on the main illustration of several key issues in the policy and the requirements on implementing and carrying out the policy.


    For the sake of understanding and using the standard better,some explanations to the articles of the standard and some related questions raised during the draft period are given.

    为了便于有关人员理解标准的主要内容 ,更好地使用该标准 ,就标准制定过程中的有关问题和部分条款做了简要说

    This paper makes some explanations on optical communication equipment acceptance stipulated in "Acceptance specification of Optical Communication Equipments".


    Since Dilthy Proposed that “whereas nature is subject to explanation, history is amenable to understanding”, there have been the debates about the understanding and explanation and the relation between them.

    自狄尔泰提出“自然需要说明 ,历史需要理解”之后 ,关于说明与理解及其相互关系的争论一直延续至今。

    Editing statement on specificaion for alloy steel bars for projectile(GJB 397A-98);


    Editing statement on specification for carbon steel bars for projectile(GJB 398A-98);


    An Important Problem of the Education of Party Member s Thought in 21st Century:from“Explain”to Persuasion;


    This paper introduces the basic principle, main uses and structure of RAWINS, and explains its important control parameters, opteration methed in detail.

    通过对RAWINS模块的基本原理、主要功能和结构的介绍 ,对模块的主要控制参数、操作使用方法等做了较为详尽的说明和讨

    As it compared with broad standard and original standard,the verification test situation,the handling course of main different opinions and revision evidence of revising parts of standard are explained in detail,and some suggestions of revision of relative standard are put forward.

    介绍GB/T 5 2 2 3— 2 0 0 2标准的修订过程、修订原则 ,与国外标准和原标准进行了对比 ,详细说明了标准修订部分的验证试验情况 ,重大分歧意见的处理经过和修订依据 ,并对有关标准的修订提出了建

    Negative Transfer of the Chinese “Topic-comment” Mode of Thinking in English Learning;
