Mechanism of aqueous humor through uveoscleral outflow in rabbits with topical administration of moxonidine;
Analysis of bacterial culture of aqueous humor and vitreous in patients with early penetrating eye trauma;
Correlation between corneal neovascularization and the expression of VEGF in cornea and aqueous humor of rabbits;
Pharmarcokinetics of terbinafine eye drops in rabbits aqueous and cornea;
Purpose To mensurate the concentration of β-tp in human aqueous.
目的 测定人房水中 β 微量蛋白 (β tp)的含量。
Through different energy parameters of the semiconductor laser in rabbit eyes exposed to different ways to observe whether the 650nm semiconductor laser on the eye can cause the organization of pathological damage,as well as the concentration of TGF-β_2 in the aqueous.
Elected a multilayer instrument workshop of a private enterprise factory in the south city.
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