To meet the demand of the delegation service during multi-domain authorization in grid computing,the dele-gation negotiation process is presented to realize the authorization delegation of role and permission based on the RBDM and RT model through the introduction of trust levels.
Employee empowerment management:Origin,research paradigm,and future direction;
Psychological empowerment is defined as a motivational construct manifested in four cognitions: meaning,self-efficacy or competence,self-determination,and impact.
Research on hierarchical role-based constrained delegation model;
Certification structures and delegation models in distributed trust management,including chain delegation,threshold delegation,conditional delegation and composed delegation relation,are introduced in this paper.
The article introduces the inheritance in Visual Basic,discusses the relationship between the inheritance and interface in Visual Basic, researches the method of realizing inheritance which is realized from the interface and the delegation, clarifice the application of inheritance in sorftware design.
The methods and effect of authorization in the nursing management in operation room;
Cross-platform authorization based on role-mapping;
Trust-based dynamic authorization model for pervasive computing;
Based on the analysis of the PKM Architecture and the overall network-based security control system,this paper brings for Nard the authority management model for the data security of the PDM system.
WS-security criterion is presented,and on this basis,SPKI certificate is advised to use as a security token for the authority and identity authentication.
Based on the analysis of the PKM Architecture and the overall network-based security control system,this paper brings for Nard the authority management model for the data security of the PDM system.
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