The online measurement of grain moisture content was fully introduced.
The bigness or smallness of the dewing temperature is closely related to the grain moisture content.
Through demarcating sensor and corresponding regress manage, we can get relation between dielectric loss angle and grain moisture content.
In this paper, discussions are made on the various factors affecting the capative measuring of grain moisture based on the practical experiments.
Then the sensors on line can examine the grain moisture on time by collecting exact signals, transformation and treatment.
When it is utilized for grain moisture measurement,a linear grain moisture sensor is implemented.
Effect of ration level on the growth and feed utilization of Pseudobagrus fulvidraco;
Under temperature 25±1℃ and the natural photoperiod,a trial were conducted at 3 ration levels(1/3satiation,2/3 satiation and satiation) to investigate the effect of ration level on nitrogen budget and energy of yellow catfish.
047)g for 30d and formulated diet at six ration levels i.
5 %和过量 5个摄食水平进行投喂 2 8d ,对中国对虾的蜕皮进行了研究。
A growth trial was carried out at ration levels(1%, 2%, 3%,4% and saturation) to investigate the effect of ration size on the growth rate in wet weight increased linearly.
测定了 5种摄食水平下淡水白鲳的生长和饲料利用情况 ,结果表明 ,湿重特定生长率随摄食水平的增加呈线性增长 ;饲料转化效率在最低摄食水平 (1 % )时显著最低 ,在中间摄食水平 (3 % )时显著最高 ;蛋白质效率比和终重变异系数受摄食水平显著影响 ,但在 3 %、4%和饱食间无显著差
Fed manual concert forage, the specific growth rate of wet body weight, dry body weight, protein and energy increased linearly with ration size, r =0.
14cm)在 2 4℃下保持 5个摄食水平 (0~最大 )。
Tow experiments,each using four Chinese Yellow Cattle steers,were conducted to study the effect of different level of feed intake on the uric excretion of purine derivatives(PD).
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