According to the requirements of aircraft maintenance manual related to alkaline valve test,a specified alkaline battery relief valve pressure test equipment has been developed in this paper.
More similar to the plate tectonic activity, the fault blocks between the strike\|slip fault plane converge near the constraining bend and diverge near the releasing bend.
研究认为 ,岩石圈断块沿郯庐断裂的走滑活动与大型板块构造的活动方式有一定的相似之处 ,即伴随着郯庐断裂的右行走滑 ,从断裂的增压弯曲部位到断裂的释压拉张部位将发生岩石圈断块的汇聚与离散现象 ,由此造成了走滑断裂带上增压弯曲部位与释压拉张部位局部应力场性质的不同 :增压弯曲部位应力相对集中 ,岩石圈断块发生汇聚、挤压、隆升 ;而释压拉张部位由于应力释放 ,岩石圈断块发生离散、伸展、沉降。
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