Research Progress on Supply Microorganism and Its Additive in the Process of Tobacco Fermentation;
Two factors such as the applied voltage and gas residence time in the reactor,which affect the destruction of formaldehyde,are studied.
he relationship between applied stress and volume fraction and foretaste of material properties are developed through the deformation of fibre network and distribution of inner resin pressure with the help of analysis of the constant flow in the resin.
通过纤 维网络的 变形及 其内部 树 脂的 连续 流 动来 分 析内 部树 脂 压力 的分 布, 从而 建 立施加载荷 与纤维 体积分数 间关系及 预测材 料性能。
Then solve the problem of loads infliction during the course of the automatic mechamism moving when it s in the position of the beginning of recuperating with an additional factor.
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