Using the ball as a mold,a matching hemisphere socket is made from GRP,thus coupling the socket with the ball.
Stress strain for positive sphere body and load carrying socket flange is analyzed by means of finite element method (FEM), and calculation of the contact stress and normal stress at the interface between negative and positive sphere bodies of ball socket nozzle by using gap elements are presented.
用有限元法对球窝喷管阳球体、承力球窝法兰进行了应力 -应变分析 ,采用间隙元计算了球窝喷管阴阳球体间的接触应力 ,求出了其分界面法线方向的压力 ;在此基础上 ,推导了球窝喷管摆动摩擦力矩的计算公式 ,计算出了球窝喷管的摆动力矩。
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