The paper puts forward the different view of controlling the quality of the pavementstructure by allowable deflection value,thus making the suggestion of adopting initial deflectionvalue as the acceptance standards.
Report on the permitted dose in international conference of The effects of low and very low doses of ionizing radiation on human health;
Validity of permitted dose of ionizing radiation is evaluated by varied outcomes.
从四个方面概述第二届低剂量辐射 (L DR)对人体健康效应的国际会议学术交流内容 :大量的实验和流行病学调查说明 L DR具有兴奋效应和适应性反应 ,并提出在临床方面的应用 ;对电离辐射容许剂量标准的有效性提出各种不同的评价 ,防护标准将修订 ;切尔诺贝利事故后 15年来有许多关于受照人员的健康调查 ,反映剂量效应关系 ;线性无阈理论尚有争
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