are integrated, rational population scale of Wuxi city is reckoned by using P-S algorithm (possibility-satisfaction degree algorithm), other factors which affect population scale to decide urban rational population scale and population objective are synthetically considered, and population planning and even urban planning with reference data are .
Through multi-variables regression analysis with statistical population data and various land use indexes at county level in China in1999,it was found that there was a co-relationship of multiple ratio=0.
Grid transformation of population data is the focus of population spatial distribution.
In recent years,quality and uncertainty of population data have attracted a mass of attention,but more attention was paid to uncertainty of population data itself and less to uncertainty that was results from inaccurate using.
Analysis of Filial Piety,Family Size and Population in Traditional Society
As the population increased to a certain extent the number of population since the limited living space in the competition,with the situation of the population growth of population and the increase in the number reduced,but the limited living space,population growth can not be unlimited,block growth model is taken into account this factor.
The paper started with the modern marketing theory, it pointed that the population factor was the important factor to influence the residential demand.
maximum population capacity
The number of people who live on the island is rapidly dwindling.
When the city declares its population numbers, does it reckon in the farmers in outer areas?
Today, we can put as many transistors as the total number of people on this earth onto a silicon chip the size of a thumbnail.
Software and Support for Population Data Processing
The number of individuals, such as inhabitants or housing units, per unit of area.
With respect to the number of gentes in a tribe, the more numerous the people the greater, usually, the number of gentes.
Tax penalties for those who have families with more than a designated number of children to discourage excess population growth.
China was the big unknown quantity untill 1953, when a census was carried out. The population is over 1200000000.
The government has made the policy of controlling population size and improving population quality (in terms of health and education) a strategic policy decision of paramount importance for realizing the lofty goal of socialist modernization and sustainable development.
The house was stupefied.
There was the population of all cities in the book, and the way to tell a girl's age, and the number of teeth a camel has.
The ethnic minorities, who make up 8 percent of the total population in China, now account for well over 14 percent of the total number of deputies to the National People's Congress.
The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative;
众议员的数目,不得超过每三万人口有众议员一人,但每州至少应有众议员一人 ;
The number of absolutely poor people in Tibet has been reduced from the 480,000 in 1994 to the present 70,000. Most of the people in Tibet today are fast on their way to living a relatively comfortable life.
The number of port rules exceeds the maximum of 32. Reduce the number of defined port rules.\0
端口规则的数目超过了最大值 32。减小定义的端口规则数目。\0
The number of port rules exceeds the maximum of 32. Reduce the number of defined port rules.
端口规则的数目超过了最大值 32。减小定义的端口规则数目。
Details of international movements of vessels, passengers and cargo are given at Appendix 43.
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