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今天是:2025年3月18日 星期二

escape route是什么意思



1)escape route,走火通道2)fire escape,走火通道3)fire escape,走火通道;太平梯4)accidental discharge; accidental firing,走火5)accidental discharge,走火6)preventing cook off,防走火7)air machine gun anti-cookoff,航炮防走火8)misfire,走火,不点火9)convective-life fire phase,对流带走火灾阶段


    Thia paper indecates safe measure taken by an 23mm aircraft gun for preventing ground fire accidentally,analyzing cause of this gun ground cook off,primary demonstrating both designing scheme and application of new type preventing cook off safety device.

    指出了某型 2 3 mm航炮为防止地面走火所采取的保险措施 ,剖析了该型航炮时常发生地面走火的原因 ,重点论证并提出了该航炮的新型防走火保险装置 (以下简称保险器 )的设计方