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self-diagnostic program是什么意思



1)self-diagnostic program,自诊断程序2)self-diagnosis,自诊断3)self-diagnose,自诊断4)self diagnose,自诊断5)self diagnosis,自诊断6)Self-diagnostic,自诊断


    This structure of the system,which includes the substation,the loop circuit and the self-diagnosis,is made introductions separately.


    This paper introduces the working principle of self-diagnosis device for telecontrol channel,describes its features and specific functions.


    He also introduces the DTC(Diagnostic Trouble Code)occurring in self-diagnosis, the process of DTC reading and clearing and the points for attention in use.


    Fundamental self-diagnose study on electrical resistance-strain characteristics of carbon fiber reinforced epoxy composite;


    The Novel Sense Instrument of Hollow-Center Optical Fiber for Self-Diagnose and Self-Repair in Smart Structures;


    Research on self-diagnose and self-repair in Smart Structures by hollow-center optical fiber;


    By this way a kind of composite materials with self diagnose character can be made by measure the change of resistivity.

    对碳纤维增强不饱和聚酯树脂复合材料在拉伸、弯曲条件下电阻率与应变的变化关系进行了研究 ,对测试结果进行了数理分析 ,确定了相应的数学经验公式 ;由此研制出一类可通过电阻率变化对相应复合材料应力状况进行自诊断的复合材料。

    In this paper, A new system of self diagnose and self repair in smart structures is put forward, include the manufacture of hollow center optical fiber and its performance, inspection of damage and crack in composite material, and using hollow center optical fiber filled adhesive to repair automatically.

    本文简述了空心光纤的传光机理 ,对自诊断、自修复系统的总体方案做了具体的研究和分析 ,并通过实验论证了该方案的可行性。

    The paper introduced the input method,show function and elimination of trouble self diagnose of electric spraying engine at home and abroad.


    This paper introduces the faults,self diagnosis and maintenance of the function,circuits,multi wire control system on Guangzhou HONDA ACCORD.

    汽车电气线路中采用多路控制系统是汽车线束未来发展的方向 ,介绍广州本田雅阁轿车多路控制系统的功能、电路、多路控制系统的自诊断及故障检修方法。

    This paper discusses an adaptive filter method that is used in on line self diagnosis technology of properties and fault of sensors.

    论述了自适应滤波方法用于传感器性能及故障的在线自诊断技术 。

    Study on Optic Fiber Self-Diagnostic Smart Composite System;
