Analysis on organic pollutants of tap water in Kunming city;
Simultaneous Determination of Lead and Cadmium in Tap Water after Pre-Concentration Using Quartz Sub-Boiling Distiller by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry;
Measurement and evaluation of organic pollutants in tap water;
Mutual influences of different pipes and static drinking water;
Experiment on drinking water treatment by combination of ultrafiltration and coagulation using Taihu Lake water as raw water was carried out.
A lot of studies show that there are a great of genotoxic substances in drinking water.
本研究应用SOS/Umu生物毒性测试评价了北方某市一自来水厂的A、B、C、D 4套试验工艺在不同的季节(冬春两季)各工艺段出水的遗传毒性效应。
Application of chlorinedioxide bacteriocide in running water supply station;
The selection of the plan supplied with the water source of running water is suitable after making the comprehensive comparison and analysis on industrial source set up by ourselves and source of running wate.
在珠钢筹建期间 ,通过对珠钢地理位置及珠江口和东江口水域水文、水质的认识 ,先后考虑了几种水源方案 ,通过自建工业水源和自来水水源方案的技术经济综合比较分析 ,说明选用自来水水源方案是合适的 。
The quality situation of running water in China was introduced.
Discharge of sludge from water works into waters will result in the increased deterioration of water environment.
The determination of Pb in tapwater by Cd internal standard polarograph;
Determination of Copper, Iron and Zinc in Tapwater by Ion Exchange Microcolumn Preconcentration-derivative Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry;
Objective:To determine the electrical conductivity of the tapwater treated by magnetic process of 3 different kinds of machines,UC,HLM and HZ.
目的 :比较等间隔脉冲式高梯度磁水机 (U C)、等间隔湍流式高能磁水机 (HL M)和高能稀土核磁处理机(HZ) ,对自来水电导率的影响。
To understand the status of the microbiological pollution from the different water body in Jiaxing city by detecting the counts of bacterial, total coliforms, pathogen, fungi and yeasts in water samples collected from riverway water, canal water, lake water and water supply under different circumstance of temperature.
检测嘉兴市市内河道水、运河水、湖泊水、自来水中细菌总数、大肠菌群、致 病菌、霉菌和酵母菌在不同环境温度下的分布,了解嘉兴市城市不同水体微生物污染状况。
Studying the reason of forming Trihalogenated Methane in water supply,this paper presents some methods of preventing pollution and clearing off Trihalosenated Methane.
Based on the Ames test in combination with gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy (GC/MS) analysis, examination was made for the mutagenicity and chemical composition of nonvolatile organic compounds (NOCs) in source water from Donghu Lake and water supply.
应用Ames试验与色质联机 (GC/MS)分析相结合的方法 ,对武汉东湖源水及自来水中非挥发性有机物的致突变性及化学组分进行了比较。
Optimization design of water transmission project for Chengbei Waterworks in Yulin City;
Design of DCS in Waterworks Based on Ethernet;
Research and Selectness of Disinfection Technology for Waterworks in Small Towns;
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