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今天是:2025年3月18日 星期二

bearing seat是什么意思



1)Bearing Chock,轴承座2)bearing block,轴承座3)bearing pedestal,轴承座4)bearing seat,轴承座5)bearing,轴承座6)bearing housing,轴承座


    The detail forced status of the shaft of the overturn frame in the bearing chock overturn device has been described in this article,meanwhile the calculation review has been performed to the shaft rigidity after the structure upgrading finished.


    In this paper,the authors analyzed by energy stable method that the stability of bearing chock of work roll about 2200mm high speed aluminum foil mill under two different restrict conditions which the gaps between bearing chock and bousing window are given or not.

    用能量稳定法对 2 2 0 0mm高速铝箔轧机辊系中工作辊轴承座同机架窗口侧向有隙或无隙两种不同约束条件下的稳定性进行了分析。

    The heat distortion of workroll bearing chock of 2050mm hot strip rolling mill employed in Baoshan continuous rolling mill is studied using finite element method(FEM),3D FEM temperature distribution program and SAP5 software.

    以宝钢 2 0 50热连轧机工作辊轴承座的热变形故障作为研究对象 ,详细分析了轴承系统的内热源 ,确认轴承内部的摩擦热是轴承系统温升的主要热源 ,本文采用有限元方法 ,同时利用三维有限元温度场程序和SAP5软件 ,研究了轴承座的热变形场分布规律。

    The structure and material of crankcase bearing block of engine are introduced in this paper,and the feasibility that whether the fracture splitting technology can be applied to the bearing block is also analyzed.


    In order to analyze the effect of friction force on contact reaction inner bearing during universal rolling of H-Beam,2D finite element model of bearing block was established using numerical simulation method.


    This paper makes analysis on the vibration of the bearing block of the small gear caused by the unbalance, the disalignment of the erection of the vibrating coupler, the unreasonable erection of the gears, the loosening of the bolts and the vibration of the bearing itself, etc.


    The technological characteristic of the bearing pedestal was analyzed.


    1 in Zhanjiang Power Plant has been analysed,and it is believed that the main causes to be as follows:(1)large deformation of the lowpressure cylinder leading to collision and friction between moving and stationary parts;(2)the vacant space under bearing pedestal and turninggear box bringing on lower rigidity;(3) the natural frequency of bearing pedestal is closing to the power frequency etc.


    The axial vibration of bearing pedestal is referring to vibration in same direction of the rotor shaft s centre line.


    Analysis of two types of central bearing seats of pumping units;


    Based on the process improvement of bearing seat and numerical forming simulation,the rational project and the best process parameters were established.


    By means of spectrum analysis technology,the article inspects and diagnoses centrifugal compressor unit,analyzes the vibration features of compressor shell,rotor and bearing seat,finds out abnormal vibration and logical connection among vibration features in three position,according to the rotor unbalance conclusion,main- rains the unit,recovers normal operation of the unit.


    Hydraulic System Design of Disassembly and Assembly Device for Huge Roller Bearing;


    The authors described in detail the development of the new bearing, which can enlarge the moment, using dynamics analyses of the structural principle.


    The position and the appearance characters of the crack of bearing had been confirmed through testing experiment.


    The mathematic model of bearing housing temperature field is built by using heat transfer theory,and the finite element method of three-dimensional eight-node hexahedral isoperimetric element is employed.

    运用传热学原理,建立轴承座温度场的数学模型,采用三维8节点6面体等参元的有限元法,并用F luent软件仿真计算其温度场的分布,实例仿真计算表明:所建立的分析模型能较为准确地描述减速器轴承座的温度场;传感器测头越接近轴承,测值越接近轴承温度;轴承测量温度的修正值约为+7℃。

    It analyses the stamping process for bearing housing and proposes a reasonable forming process.


    plain bearing housing with bearings


    housing bearing plain without bearings


    Rolling bearings accessories--Plummer block housings--Boundary dimensions


    housing for ball-, roller or needle roller bearings, not incorporating a bearing


    alignment of bottom casing and bearing seating


    bracket incorporating a bearing housing or designed to house a bearing [incorporating ball or roller bearings]


    bracket incorporating a bearing housing or designed to house a bearing [not incorporating ball or roller bearings]


    chair, incorporating a bearing housing or designed to house a bearing, not incorporating ball-or roller bearings


    main bearing aligning gauge


    Rolling bearings--Housings for insert bearing boundary dimensions


    housing for ball-, roller or needle roller bearings, incorporating a bearing


    Analysis of the cooperation with Cork Drum Shaft,Bearing housing and Ball Bearing on the Changcheng Cigarette|machine


    Study on decaying of shock vibration energy during transmission through multi-interfaces in gear-shaft-bearing-housing system


    Design and Simulation of Fracture Splitting Machine Tool for Bearing Bracket of Engine Crankcase


    Numerical analysis on fracture splitting technology of main bearing block of engine


    Stress Analysis of Mill Bearing Chock Based on ABAQUS


    Method and Application of Process Optimization for Backup Roll Chocks;


    Measurement of Dynamic Stresses and Temperatures of Main Bearing Walls and Caps on an Engine Block
