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plan-making process是什么意思



1)plan-making process,制图过程2)mapping,制图3)drawing,制图4)charting,制图5)cartography,制图6)drafting,制图7)drawn,制图8)soil mapping,土壤制图9)control diagram,控制图10)geological mapping,地质制图


    GIS and urban design special mapping;


    A Study on Modeling & Mapping for Poplar Stands Parameters Based on ASTER Remote Sensed Datasets;


    Distribution model and mapping of monthly average temperature with high space resolution in mountainous areas;


    Discussion on the application of AutoCAD in irrigation project drawing;


    Application of Mechanical Drawing in Power Transmission Engineering;


    The consideration and suggestion about several problems on related technical drawing standards;


    This article discusses the reform of teaching method on charting course and the establishment of new drawing textbook system in higher vocational education.


    The way of regressive linear equation is assisted in the map compilation that may give rise to the digitalisation, equation and standardization in the measured data processing and charting of the geological sections and improve the working efficiency.

    利用回归直线方程法辅助编图 ,可使地质剖面实测数据处理和制图数字化、程序化和标准化 ,提高工作效

    This paper list the typical problems in the aspects of current HVAC air conditioning design,equipment selec- tion,pipe network arrangement and cartography,analyzes their causations and puts forward solving methods and improve- ment measures.


    How to inspire the interests and cultivate the habit of independent thinking of the students in the course of cartography teaching that means teaching should center on the students thought and strengthen the training of the students thought, cultivate and develop their thinking ability step by step as well as mobilize and exert their subjective ability.

    在机械制图教学中 ,教师要以学生的思维活动为中心 ,激发学生思维的兴趣 ,培养学生自我思维的习惯 ,加强学生思维能力的训练 ,逐步培养并发展学生的思维能力 ,积极调动和发挥学生的主观能动作用。

    With the introduction of computerized drafting and multi-medium techniques,the course of cartography has been undergoing a process of modernization with due changes taking place in the contents,carriculum, teaching hours, teaching approaches and, above all, in the training and re-training of teachers.


    Main task of mechanical drafting is the training of students handle ability.

    机械制图的主要任务是培养学生的动手能力 ,而学生动手能力的培养必须要求教师通过备好制图课、布置好制图作业、辅导好制图作业来实现。

    The paper analyses the effects of dra fting on CAD and the integration of CA D with drafting in teaching and clarifies the interrelationship between the two so as to pro mote their mutual development.


    AutoCAD is basie sofhvare for design drafting.


    Soil mapping based on quantitative soil-landscape model has been studied all over the world.


    Extraction of Quantitative Relationships between Soil Properties and Landscape Factors Based on Fuzzy Set Theory and Its Applications in Digital Soil Mapping;


    Application of control diagram for bipolar type electrolyzer control;


    This text combines practice to introduce a kind of SPC control diagram method, that is mean value—ambulation difference control diagram method, to control phosphating parameters.


    The implementing effect of the control diagram will be evaluated by the enforcing group, and the work will be improved accordingly.
