The minor and trace elements in the greenish white porcelains body of Hutian kiln in different dynasties were determined by neutron activation analysis (NAA).
The chemical composition, microstructure and manufacturing techniques of the black glazed wares of high quality with hare's fur unearthed from the kiln sites recently found in Tian Mu Shan district in Linan, Zhejiang have been studied.
The most gratifying discovery is that every porcelain kiln also fired flower vitreous enamel of.
最可喜的发现是每座瓷窑都兼烧唐花釉瓷 ,它不仅说明禹州是唐代花釉瓷的发祥地 ,而且也为研究钧瓷的起源提供了重要的窑群实例。
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