Among many factors that improved the flourish of Shu Ci, the prosperity of city economy was an important one which on the one hand, established substantial base and on the other hand, accelerated the fashion of amusement.
Based on the study of the amusement ride inspection and information system,the network structure and the software structure of amusement ride inspection MIS are constructed with the MVC pattern and J2EE technology.
通过对游乐设施检测领域问题和信息系统领域问题的研究,并根据用户需求,采用M VC模式和J2EE技术构造了游乐设施检测管理系统的网络结构和软件体系结构。
Moreover, the views about the relationship between natural conservation and public recreation are put forward.
Along with the appearance of various policies encouraging tourism and the increasing leisure time and income of residents in cities and towns,the tourism leisure activities,especially the amusement parks,have developed rapidly.
According to drawing lessons form development experience of domestic young people mobile base foundation and other amusement parks,this paper generally analyzes Dezhou amusement park s interior and external environment,and uses S.
Research on Jinjiang Amusement Park in Shanghai;
The paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and challenges possessed by the entertainment equipment industry of Zhongshan City, Guang Dong province by condcuting field research——applying the SWOT method to the detailed analysis of the the internal conditions and external environment of the industry.
The analysis of the industrial environment of amusement industry in China;
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