This paper, based on the background of the story and the relationship and communication between China and Spain, and investigates the plausibility of the invitation fromd ifferent perspectives.
With the purpose of achieving smooth and harmonious communication, this paper summarizes with various examples to analyze different mood of invitation according to Japanese grammar rules and usual practice under the particular Japanese culture background from four aspects-beginnin.
本文根据日语语法规则以及日本文化背景下的语言表达习惯,围绕日语中邀请 语气的表达方式,从邀请话头、发出邀请、接受邀请、拒绝邀请这四个方面,分不同对象、不同场面加以探讨,力图使运用日语进 行人际交往更加和谐、圆满。
The speech act of invitation is much frequently used in our daily life.
This paper analyzes main problems in construction engineering market and the effect of selective tendering on construction engineering market environment.
Effect of Invitation to Offer and Admission Rule;
The legal interests of the victim could be protected if we accept the fact that invitation to offer constitutes violations.
Based on collected language materials,this paper makes descriptive analysis on the realization of typical patterns of thread of invitational discourse in Chinese language,and analyzes,from the perspective of pragmatics their cultural connotations in terms of courteous handling and cultural values.
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