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Tipped fill是什么意思



1)Tipped fill,矿碴堆2)muck bank,碴堆3)mine waste,矿碴4)shape of broken rock,堆碴形态5)culm dump,废碴堆6)stockpile area,堆碴场


    According to the in situ environments of deep copper mines, the authors have developed new types of underway LHD roads, including a cement mine waste concrete road, a plaster mine waste concrete road, a composite jelling agent ore powder concrete road and a block mine waste rolled road, ensuring high intensity underway transport.


    Comparison between the results of hydraulic test and the prototype observation of rock stopple burst in Xianghongdian Pump Storage Power Station shows that the hydraulic model of rock stopple burst can simulate the shape of broken rock in the collection pit and the surge height in the gate well.

    比较了响洪甸抽水蓄能电站水下岩塞爆破水工模型试验和原型观测的结果 ,说明岩塞爆破水工模型试验能较好地模拟集碴坑的堆碴形态和闸门井涌浪