The deformation of retaining structures,the ground surface settlement,and the distribution of bottom ground heave are stressed to study.
用空间有限单元法研究了基坑开挖过程中围护结构变形、周围地表沉降、基坑底部隆起的空间分布以及影响围护结构变形的主要因素 ,并通过杭州市某基坑开挖的工程实例验证了有限元分析模式的合理
Seismic evidence of the basement uplift in the Bayan Har tectonic belt,Qinghai,and its tectonic significance;
This study suggests that the basement uplift,warpage and basement fault block activity caused by basement compression and contraction under regional compressive setting are primary dynamic mechanism induced extensional deformation of overlying cap rocks,while the paleo-structural framework is the premise co.
Therefore, this reef should be called the patch reef rather than the barrier reef.
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