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certificate of completion是什么意思



1)certificate of completion,竣工证明书;完工证明书2)completion certificate,竣工证明书;完工证明书3)completion,竣工4)complete,竣工5)check and accept,竣工验收6)completion acceptance,竣工验收7)acceptance check,竣工验收8)acceptance monitoring,竣工验收9)completion data,竣工资料10)final acceptance,竣工验收


    Based on environmental impact characteristics of environmental protection check & acceptance for the project completion, the investigation procedure, the key contents, existing problems and some suggests are discussed in details in this paper.


    The main environmental problems in the underground gas storage construction were analyzed in this paper, and the main contents of the environmental protection check & acceptance investigation for the underground gas storage completion were discussed.


    Settling accounts of a completed project refers to construction enterprise complete the whole contract project according to the content of the contract stipulated,and after qualified by checking and conformed to the contract,settle the final accounts to the contract award enterprise.


    Working out final financial accounts after a capital project is completed reflects the benefit of investment of capital project and construction result.


    This article integrates the result of noise measurement from check and acceptance of outdoor substations in Hu-bei province simultaneously,and.

    同时结合湖北省220 kV户外变电站竣工验收的噪声实际测量结果,研究变电站噪声对周围环境的影响情况。

    Main problems in completion acceptance of port environmental protection and preventive measures;


    Based on the case of Guwang Highway environment protection acceptance check-one of the Western Development Projects,the fechnical method for environment impact investigation and especially the influence of the highway construction on ecological sonic environments is investigated.


    The benefit analysis of environmental protection facilities in the acceptance monitoring of projects;


    Discussion on the completion data arrangement of building engineering;


    Strengthening management of the completion data and improving the management level of the capital construction archives;

    加强竣工资料管理 提升基建档案管理水平

    19,a discussion is made on the collection,sorting and file of a great variety of and a mint of construction technical data and drafting works of final completion data in railway construction projects.

    结合赣龙铁路第十八合同的施工实际 ,对铁路建设项目中种类繁多、数量庞大的施工技术资料的收集、整理归档和最后竣工资料的编制工作进行探讨。

    On data compilation for final acceptance of pumped-storage power station;


    Starting from analysis on its legal property, the author put forth his opinion centering on the litigable nature of final acceptance and records activity and its relationship .
