Objective:To express snake venom metalloproteinase alfimeprase with fibrinolytic(fibrinogenolytic)activity in Escherichia coli expression system.
An automatic device for metal hose welding was designed based on the common latitudinal seam welder,according to the structure of high-pressure metal hose.
This paper describes the application of the safety systems engineering method to solve the pipeline stress of the tanks' exit and entrance and the application of metal hose on the tank of the No.
简要叙述了运用安全系统工程解决油库罐区因地基下沉而造成的储罐出入口管线存在的应力问题 ,及金属软管连接在石油一厂储罐中的应用。
materlal and paraineter of metal hose,the performance of the metal hose was improved,it meeted the requirement of connecting lance in Pangang converter.
In order to simulate the acceleration pulse in impact tests, the design method of the acceleration pulse generator by the multi-segment tubes with different thicknesses based on the theory of metal tubes press expansion was researched.
There had existed corrosion and leakage problems for the flexible metal tubes at the satellite platforms in Chengdao Oilfield for many years.
Improving the flexible metal tube used in the system of supply and return steam line for hot press,that is to avoid the leak of the steam,and then to raise the product quality and increase the production profits.
Cloning and Expression of a cDNA Encoding a Snake Venom Metalloproteinase;
Inhibition Effect of a Snake Venom Metalloproteinase Inhibitor on Experimental Pulmonary Metastasis in Mice Inoculated with B16 Melanoma Cells
Purification and Characterization of a Kind of Snake Metalloproteinase from Gloydius Saxatilis;
Clone and Functional Analysis of a New Snake Venom Metalloproteinase/disintegrin Gene
Inhibition Effects of Snake Venom Metalloproteinase Inhibitor BJ46a on Melanoma Cells Invasion and Metastasis;
Inflammatory mediators releasing and apoptosis of endothelial cell induced by cobra venom metalloproteinase atrase A
眼镜蛇毒金属蛋白酶atrase A诱导人内皮细胞释放炎症介质及凋亡
Inhibitory effect and mechanism of cobra venom metalloproteinase atrase A on platelet aggregation
眼镜蛇毒金属蛋白酶atrase A抗血小板聚集作用及机制
Research of Induction of Histamine Release from Human Mast Cells by Chinese Cobra Snake Venom Metalloproteinase (MT) and Trimeresurus Mucrosquamatus Venom TM-N49;
The Expression, Purification and Activity Analysis of Snake Metalloproteinases Inhibitor (BJ46a) in Pichia Pastoris
Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of cDNA Encoding Metalloproteinase from the Venom of Agkistrodon acutus from Guangxi province;
Effect of Metal Ions on the Biological Activity and Structural Information of Snake Venom Proteins
Studies on Purification, Modification and Cytotoxicity of the Extracellular Metalloprotease of the Pathogenic Vibrio Anguillarum;
Recombinant Sv-cystatin Inhibits Tumor Invasion and Metastasis
Metalloproteins/metalloenzymes for the synthesis of acetyl-CoA in the Wood-ljungdahl pathway
Purification, Molecular Cloning and Gene Analysis of Ussurin,a Novel Platelet Agglutination-inhibited Metalloproteinases/ Disintegrin from Gloydius Ussuriensis;
Effect of Endotoxin on MMP-2 of the Experimental Liver Fibrosis of Rat
Influence of Lipopolysaccharide on the Secretion of MMPs by the Human Gingival Fibroblast
The Relation between Coronary Heart Disease and Matrix Metalloproteinase-9、Tissue Inhibitors of Matris Metalloproteinase-1;
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