Models of peak oil theory and forecast of world oil peak;
Analysis on trend of world oil geophysical prospecting market and technical development;
The structure of world oil is taking place great transformations after entering the 21st century: One side, the production of world oil dominating by Middle East is changing; On the other hand, the rapid increase of developing countries demand is altering the oil consumption structure dominating by developed countries.
To analyze the characteristics and supply and demand relation of world oil market.
It' s most necessary to seriously analyze and research the two major oil producers' role in international oil market in the situation that current world petroleum demand increases continuously.
在当今世界石油需求不断增加的情况下,认真分析研究俄罗斯和沙特阿拉伯这2个重 要产油国在国际石油市场中的作用,是十分必要的。
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