Submerged Arc Welding(SAW) with hot wire addition is a new welding technology developed from tranditional SAW with high quality,high efficiency and low energy consumption.
This paper focuses on the fabrication of the film by the method of hot wire assistance chemical vapor deposition.
本文主要研究了热丝辅助裂解电阻蒸发法制备该薄膜的制备工艺 ,并采用红外、质谱和热重等分析方法对薄膜的成分进行初步分析。
Computer controlling hot-wire GTA all-position tube welding system;
A kind of atomic beam intensity detector,hot-wire detector,is designed and made by the authors.
In the paper , the method of analyzing the failed mechanisms of short filament and turnoff in high - power wideband TWT is introduced.
A hot filaments and substrate thermal model is used to explain the correlation between the geometry parameters of the hot filaments and the uniform of diamond films.
In this paper, the fabrication of cBN films by ECR CVD technique assisted with a hot filament was reported.
我们用热丝辅助ECR CVD方法制备了cBN薄膜,并初步探讨了热丝对cBN形成的作用。
To improve the quality of Ta Spinnerets with high hardness and alkali-proof corrosion,HFCVD is used to deposit crystalline diamond films with different sizes of grain on carbonized Ta spinnerets.
The effects of none-diamond phase carbon components of diamond thin film on the morphologies of diamond grains in diamond thin film made by HFCVD were studied by means of Ramanspectra and SEM.
The effect of the deposition conditions on the graphite or amorphous carbon component in the formation of diamond thin films by HFCVD method was studied.
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