Accelerated tests for electrodes and characterization of their chlorine-evolution lifetime;
Intelligent prediction modeling and application research on the Angang FSF electrode;
Application of PLC in the Electrode Automatic Adjusting System for EF Melting;
Influence of binder on properties of carbon nanotube electrodes;
Electrodes Experiment Studying of the Direct Current Plane Electromagnetism Pump;
Study on electrochemical properties of the electrodes coated with the gradient functional oxide;
It points out that the direct spot welding of pure copper can be realized by the correct choice of pole material,pole form,welding equipment and criterion.
找出了用通常方法不能点焊纯铜的原因 ,介绍了纯铜点焊焊核形成的过程 ,指出以本文为依据正确地选择电极材料、电极形状、焊接设备和确定焊接规范 ,就可实现纯铜的直接点
Having a discussion on the highresistance of insulating material and the way to measure the volume resistivity,introducing the produce method of examing pole influenced by leakageproof current,and adopting different ways to measure certain insulating material practically,obtaining a good result.
With the thought of "perturbation", this paper analyes the solution of Laplace equation for poles having irregular boundary.
研究电极的位移形变所产生的误差时 ,需要在不规则边界条件下求解拉普拉斯方程 。
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