A thermodynamic model proposed by UNIFAC for accounting the non-ideal behavior of the vapor phase and liquid phase was used to calculate the activity coefficient and the mixture free energy of liquid phase.
Data processed by the UNIQUAC modle was used to calculate the activity coefficient and the mixture free energy of liquid phase.
Results A series of energy concepts about the solutes in CZE has been set up ,in which the separation free energy ΔG sep, mixed free energy ΔG mix, total kinetic energy variationΔT, total potential energy variationΔU, net increasing energy of solutes ΔE, apparent working time t eff, exhausted energy per peak W 0 and share of the net increasing energy wer.
结果对CZE的溶质系统提出了溶质分离自由能ΔGsep、混合自由能ΔGmix、整体动能增量ΔT、整体势能增量ΔU和溶质能量净增值ΔE ,以及表观作功时间teff、分离功份额τ和单位峰能耗W0 等概念 ,并以实验研究了各项的变化规律。
Secodary Instability of the Three Dimension Subharmonic Disturbances in Free Mixing-layer;
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