TEM observation of dislocation emission and nano-crack nucleation;
The results showed that chemisorption of Hg atoms could facilitate dislocation emission and motion.
The results showed that chemisorption of liquid metal atoms could facilitate dislocation emission,multiplication and motioll.
In situ tensile test in TEM showed that a dislocation-free zone (DFZ) formed ahead of a loaded crack tip when dislocation emission and motion reached equilibrium under keeping constant displacement, and a microcrack initiated after the dislocation emission and motion developed to a certain condition through increasing load.
结果表明,氢能促进位错的发射、增殖和运动 和未充氢纯Ni相比,充氢试样在更低的外应力下位错就会发射和运动,当氢促进的位错发射和运动到临界条件时就会使氢致裂纹形核、扩展,导致低应力脆断。
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