In view of the engineering instance,waterproof products,mechanism of Formdex and its scope of application are introduced,and dry scatter process and coating brush process are expatiated,the construction effects of the technology are also analyzed so as to extend this construction process.
Experiment on two patterns of cultivation of Didymodon vinealis including broadcast planting and gemmae showed that the gemmae were repeated regenerated on the apical cell of axillary hair in leaf axil of plant and the protonema produced by gemma and basal cells of leaf or directly grew from axillary hair.
采用撒茎法和芽胞培养土生对齿藓Didymodonvinealis的实验表明 :芽胞由植物体叶腋腋毛顶端细胞反复再生 ,原丝体由芽胞和叶基部细胞产生或由腋毛直接生长为原丝体 ,附着在叶背面的芽胞比未附着芽胞产生的原丝体生长更好 ;老茎不直接生长为植物体 ,产生新生枝后死去。
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