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今天是:2025年3月9日 星期日

most probable position是什么意思



1)most probable position,最或然船位2)probable position,最或然船位3)the most probability,最或然值4)most probable strain,最或然应变5)probable position,最或是船位6)the nearest elevation,最或然高程7)maximum likeihood estimation,最或然估计8)most probable delay difference,最或然时延差9)most probable value,最可能值,最或然值,最可概值,最可期值


    In this paper, a probable position is obtained the calculating observasion equation by computer, according to using the least square method.


    This paper based on the definition of trimmed mean,winsorised mean and trimmed normal distribution,we obtained that the means are the maximum likeihood estimation(MLE),their influence function are derived,the robustness can be analysed.


    The concept of most probable delay difference is introduced, followed by derivation of the expression of most probable delay difference.

    提出了用于描述偏振模色散的最或然时延差的概念 ,导出了最或然时延差的表达式 ,以及误码率与最或然时延差、传输速率及传输距离之间的函数关系式 ,为直观、方便地分析系统的偏振模色散供了一种有力的理论方法。